Founded more than two decades ago, gracher is today the number one broker of sureties and guarantees for surety insurance. In addition, we have long operated as an all-round, 360° financial services provider.
At gracher, we have over 1,000 customers, ranging from international corporations to traditional SMEs. All of them value their collaboration with us. We consistently receive top ratings in the annual customer survey (2023: 1.23). We now offer our highly satisfied customers a comprehensive product portfolio ranging from debt advisory services to factoring, surety insurance and trade credit insurance. And we do so not only in numerous cities across Germany. With locations in several other European countries and long-standing partnerships worldwide, we can also guarantee to find the right solution for customers further afield. It goes without saying that we are ISO/IEC 27001-certified and have also been DIN EN ISO 9001-certified for many years – as the only credit and surety broker in Germany.
gracher Key facts
special broker for surety insurance in Germany/Europe (surety/guarantee business of insurance companies)
market share of new surety broker business in Germany p.a.
billion euros of managed credit volume in the surety business
billion euros average growth credit volume over the past 4 years in the surety business
years in the market
clients – ranging from local SMEs to national and international groups
customers per year
financial experts in guarantees, financing and credit insurance
totally independent of all surety providers
That’s why gracher
At gracher, we have over 1,000 customers, ranging from international corporations to traditional SMEs. All of them value their collaboration with us. We consistently receive top ratings in the annual customer survey (2023: 1.23).
Five good reasons in favour of gracher:
- Transparent. We know the market and its players – and we share this knowledge with you. Thanks to our benchmarking database, you can be sure of receiving the best offer for your needs. And, with our gracher kompakt newsletter, we regularly inform you about the latest legal innovations and market players.
- Solution-oriented. With us, you can be sure that if we say there is a solution to your financing needs, then we will find it. We are happy to take on complex or unusual challenges!
- Innovative. Every day we look at how we can make our services even better. For example, through digitalisation: with our exclusive gracher SuretyManager for digital guarantee management, we make the work of our corporate treasury customers much easier.
- Competent. No matter the area in which you collaborate with gracher, you will quickly realise that we are experts in what we do. And the best thing of all is that our 360° approach means you also get an all-round solution, with our specialists working hand in hand.
- Internationally networked. Many of our customers operate internationally. In addition to working with all major financing providers in Germany, we are also able to provide highly professional services to our customers in key foreign markets.
That’s why gracher
Unsere mehr als 1.000 Kunden – vom internationalen Konzern bis zum klassischen Mittelständler – schätzen die Zusammenarbeit mit gracher. In der jährlichen Kundenbefragung erhalten wir Bestnoten (2023: Schulnote 1,23). Hier sind fünf gute Gründe für gracher… aber bestimmt fallen unseren Kunden noch viele weitere ein.
- Transparent. Wir kennen den Markt und seine Player – und teilen dieses Wissen mit Ihnen. Mit unserer Benchmarking-Datenbank können Sie sicher sein, das optimale Angebot für sich auszuwählen. Oder per Newsletter informieren wir Sie über aktuelle gesetzliche Neuerung und Marktteilnehmer.
- Lösungsorientiert. Bei uns können Sie sicher sein – wenn wir sagen, für Ihren Finanzierungsbedarf kann es eine Lösung geben, dann finden wir diese auch. Komplexe oder exotische Herausforderungen schrecken uns nicht!
- Innovativ. Jeden Tag schauen wir, wie wir unsere Leistungen noch besser machen können. Mit unserem exklusiven SuretyManager für das digitale Avalmanagement beispielsweise erleichtern wir unseren Kunden im Unternehmenstreasury ihre Arbeit erheblich.
- Spezialisiert. Egal, in welchem Bereich Sie mit Gracher zusammenarbeiten, sie werden schnell merken: Bei uns sind Spezialisten am Werk. Und das Beste: Durch unseren 360°-Ansatz bekommen Sie auch eine Rundumlösung, für die unsere Spezialisten miteinander Hand in Hand arbeiten.
- International vernetzt. Viele unserer Kunden sind international tätig. Darum arbeiten wir seit vielen Jahren nicht nur mit allen wichtigen Finanzierungsanbietern in Deutschland zusammen, sondern unterstützen unsere Kunden in den wichtigsten Auslandsmärkten ebenso kompetent.
gracher History
It goes without saying that we have been certified for many years and operate in compliance with DIN EN ISO 9001 and ISO/IEC 27001– to date, the first and only credit and bond broker in Germany to have done so.